Tag: poultry

Easy Profit Tracking Spreadsheet for Egg Sales & Feed Purchases

The writer has started tracking poultry expenses and sales using a Google spreadsheet, which can be accessed by clicking a link provided. They find this method convenient for logging expenses and sales, and share instructions for others to use the spreadsheet. They reveal their expenses and sales for the year, showing a deficit, and encourage readers to share their own tracking experiences.

Using Eggs to Reduce Allergen Levels in Cat Saliva

A cat food by Purina can reduce allergens in cats through the use of antibodies found in chicken eggs. These antibodies bind to the protein causing allergic reactions in humans. Studies show a potential 47% reduction in the allergen with regular feeding. This offers hope for cat lovers with allergies. [Word count: 50]

Processing Day on the Homestead

Earlier this spring I hatched out twelve chicks. Unfortunately two were lost to a feral cat, and of the ten remaining, seven were cockerels! We opted to keep two of them, a pure bred blue cooper Marans, and the offspring of my sweet Betty… Continue Reading “Processing Day on the Homestead”

Raising and Processing Cornish Cross Meat Chickens

My family and I, and by family I mean mostly me, had thought about raising meat chickens for a few years, ever since we started with our laying flock. I never love the chicken we get from grocery stores. The quality is lacking, and… Continue Reading “Raising and Processing Cornish Cross Meat Chickens”

A Protein, Fat, and Cost Calculator for Homemade Chicken Feed

To save time in scrolling you can click HERE to check out the calculator, but I encourage you to read this page at least once. This is a link to Google Spreadsheet. You cannot edit it as is, but you can download it as… Continue Reading “A Protein, Fat, and Cost Calculator for Homemade Chicken Feed”

Chickens: Why deep-litter composting doesn’t work (for me) and benefits of using a dropping board

When I first obtained chickens, I had four: three hens and a rooster. I eagerly scoured the internet and library reference books in an effort to learn everything I could about chickens. I want the very best for my birds! In terms of coop… Continue Reading “Chickens: Why deep-litter composting doesn’t work (for me) and benefits of using a dropping board”